eagle-i University of Hawaii at ManoaUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa
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Human Reproductive Biospecimen Repository

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Access service


  1. Related grant number
    RMATRIX - 3U54MD007584-03S1
  2. Resource Description
    To date, more than 9,250 women-child pairs are contained within HiBR and approximately 3,000 specimens have been released to researchers. The clinical database that integrates with the biospecimen repository was developed as a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). Presently, the maternal database tables contain nearly 400 variables for more than 8,500 women-infant pairs, with the accompanying infant data tables containing more than 80 variables. -maternal DNA -maternal plasma -baby DNA -umbilical cord serum -flash frozen placenta -FFPE placenta from several regions of the tissue -flash frozen umbilical cord -placental RNA (very limited "n", as this was a pilot project) -extensive clinical data and ethnicity information amended to each sample The Human Reproductive Biospecimen Repository is funded by a grant from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities • RMATRIX - 3U54MD007584-03S1 (PI: Dr. J Hedges).
  3. Service Provided by
    University of Hawaii Biorepository
  4. Website(s)
Provenance Metadata About This Resource Record
Copyright © 2016 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College
The eagle-i Consortium is supported by NIH Grant #5U24RR029825-02 / Copyright 2016