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Phase II prospective trial correlating progression free survival with CYP2D6 activity in patients with metastatic breast cancer treated with single agent tamoxifen

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Clinical trial


  1. ClinicalTrials.gov url
  2. Intervention
    Tamoxifen citrate
  3. Resource Description
    Hormone therapy using tamoxifen citrate may fight cancer by blocking the use of estrogen by tumor cells. This phase II trial is studying how well tamoxifen citrate works in patients with metastatic or recurrent breast cancer.
  4. Contact
    Berenberg, Jeffrey
  5. PI
    Berenberg, Jeffrey
  6. Topic
    breast cancer
  7. Study Population
    Men and women at least 18 years old with estrogen receptor-positive and/or progesterone receptor-positive disease and measurable or non-measurable disease.
  8. Website(s)
  9. Funded by
    Cancer Trials Support Unit
  10. Phase
    Phase 2 clinical trial
  11. Performed by
    Clinical Protocol & Data Management Shared Resource
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