eagle-i University of Hawaii at ManoaUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa
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Licensing for formation of free radicals and oxidative destruction of organic chemicals

eagle-i ID


Resource Type

  1. Access service


  1. Resource Description
    "UH researchers have discovered a creative use of zero valent iron and/or other metals to generate reactive oxygen species and undergo subsequent oxidation reactions to destroy organic chemicals and disinfects bacteria. This new technology is based on the oxidation mechanism mediated by zero valent iron or other metals, rather than commonly used reduction mechanism. The reaction mechanisms can be readily controlled and standardized for various applications. Applications of this technology have been demonstrated in a wide range of industrial effluents and domestic wastewater treatments for efficient pollutant mineralization and bacterial disinfection. In addition, this technology can be used in analytical chemistry to measure carbohydrate and vitamin contents in fruits, juices, soft drinks and formulated drugs."
  2. Contact
    Matsunaga, Lisa
  3. Service Provided by
    Office of Technology Transfer and Economic Development (OTTED)
  4. Website(s)
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The eagle-i Consortium is supported by NIH Grant #5U24RR029825-02 / Copyright 2016